
NKA Enviroschools Kindergartens

Where Tamariki:

  • Discover a joy of learning about nature.
  • Connect with and care for their environment.
  • Experience curiosity, excitement and possibility.
food growing
shared responsibility

“The programme provides our tamariki with life changing opportunity’s that provide them with the knowledge, skills and values to connect, explore and care for their environment.”

The programme is a long-term sustainability journey, that allows tamariki and teachers to plan, design and take action in their kindergarten, in collaboration with their communities.

Every Kindergarten has its own unique culture, history and ecology, and is an individual reflection of the community in which it is situated. The enviroschools programme recognises this and so endorses the program being lead and designed by each Kindergarten. There are key aspects of the programme that educators have found valuable and parts that are modified and further developed by kindergartens to suit their own unique situation.

NKA have a strong commitment to engaging in sustainable practices throughout the whole Kindergarten Association and have been engaging in Enviroschools and a valuable part of our network since 2012.

NKA has 20 Enviroschools kindergartens including the first Green Gold Early Childhood setting north of Auckland.

In 2019 Comrie park Kindergarten were winners of the Supreme Award and Environmental action in education award in the Northland Regional Council’s Environmental Awards.

NKA are one of the 17 Kindergarten Associations across Aotearoa who Toimata Foundation and respective regional councils have three way partnerships.